Traveling with your pet can give you a great hiking companion, an enthusiastic camping partner, and a comforting presence to help you feel more at home. But just as you prepare to fulfill your needs on the road, you’ll want to make sure you’re taking care of your furry friend as well. That’s why Scott’s Recreation has provided you with some tips for traveling with your pet in an RV. If you still need an RV to take your pet traveling, then visit your one-stop Maine camper dealer here in Turner and Manchester, Maine. We also serve Portland, Bangor, and Augusta. 

Creating Familiarity with the Camper

A change of scenery and pace can be a lot of fun, but it can also be stressful. It’s one of the reasons so many humans get sick after what was supposed to be a relaxing vacation. Humans can be worn out by new surroundings and a full schedule, but new surroundings can be particularly overwhelming for animals since their senses are more acutely heightened. If this is going to be their first time in the RV--or if they haven’t been inside in a while--it’s a good idea to let them explore on their own before the day of the big trip, rather than making them adjust while on the road. 

Let them into the camper and give them the space to roam around and explore in their own time. Trying to force this process or hurry them along might create a negative association with your pet. Let them explore a few times before feeling confident that they understand and feel welcome in the camper. If you have a motorhome, you might want to consider taking them for a short drive so they understand the vehicle moves. 

Keep their Normal Routine

While this is going to be hard on the road, there are some basic areas where maintaining your pets’ at-home routine will help mitigate some of the stress. This can include keeping to their general sleeping schedule, waking up and going to bed at the same time every day (roughly), and keeping to their feeding schedule. A hungry animal is a cranky animal. If you have a day where you’re going to be doing a lot of driving, make sure you make stops that coincide with their normal walking times so your pet can get the exercise it needs. 

Pack the Necessities

When you’re packing for yourself, make sure you pack for your pet, too. This should include all the supplies they’re familiar with like their toys and bed. While it may seem easier to leave supplies specifically for the RV and have one less thing to pack, bring along some of their favorite items that can bring smells from home and reduce stress levels.

You’ll also want to bring their own food, rather than trying to find it on the road. This is particularly important if they’re on a special diet. Switching up what they eat can make an animal sick even under the best of circumstances. When you’re leaving the area, there’s no guarantee that you’ll actually be able to find the brand and flavor you need, so just pack enough food to get them through the end of the trip. 

This covers some of the basics, but at the end of the day, you’re going to know what’s best for them. After all, no one understands your pet the way that you do. You’re going to know how to spot when they’re stressed and overwhelmed and know how to combat it, so trust your instincts and prepare accordingly. But if you do want some extra tips from our experienced staff, stop by your local Maine RV dealer, Scott’s Recreation. We welcome all current and future RV owners from Turner, Manchester, Portland, Bangor, and Augusta, ME.